How it works
The AlphaID family of genetic screening tests offers accurate and advanced alpha1-antitrypsin (AAT) deficiency detection. All AlphaID kits are provided by Grifols at no cost and may not be billed to patients or their insurers. Screen all your patients with COPD or treatment-resistant asthma.
Screening patients is simple:
- Screen for AAT deficiency with the AlphaID cheek swab
- If the AlphaID cheek swab detects an abnormal allele, complete the diagnosis with the AlphaID CONFIRM™ fingerstick blood test
Learn more about the easy process for both AlphaID tests below.
Need more AlphaID test kits? Order free test kits here.
Step 1: Screen for AAT deficiency with the AlphaID cheek swab
The AlphaID cheek swab screens for the 14 most prevalent mutations associated with AAT deficiency.1,2,3 The fast, free, and accurate kit contains everything you need to collect and submit a cheek swab sample for alpha-1 screening.
- Place sponge as far back in the mouth as is comfortable and gently rub 10 times along the lower gums
- Repeat 10 times on the opposite side of the mouth
- Hold the tube upright to prevent the liquid inside from spilling
- Unscrew the blue cap from the collection tube without touching the sponge
- Turn the cap upside down, insert the sponge into the tube, and close the cap tightly
- Invert the capped tube and shake vigorously 15 times
- Write the patient’s initials and date of birth on the label and seal the swab sample in the provided specimen bag
- Complete and sign the requisition form
- Place the requisition form in the shipping box and ship via USPS using the prepaid shipping label
- Receive results by fax within 5 business days from the date the lab receives the sample. You may also access results via the confidential online portal at
- If the AlphaID cheek swab detects abnormal alleles, confirm the diagnosis with AlphaID CONFIRM
Watch the AlphaID cheek swab video for complete instructions
Step 2: Confirm the diagnosis with AlphaID CONFIRM
If the AlphaID cheek swab detects an abnormal allele, confirm the diagnosis with AlphaID CONFIRM. This simple fingerstick blood test provides both an AAT serum level and confirmation of the patient's genotype. AlphaID CONFIRM may help you determine if FDA-approved treatment options and lifestyle modifications are appropriate for your patients with severe AAT deficiency.
- Hold the puncture site in a downward position and gently apply pressure to the nearby area. Holding the finger over the card, allow a single drop of blood to fall within each circle. DO NOT place the finger directly on the card
- Make sure blood completely covers the inside of each circle. You may apply additional drops, but try not to overlap the blood between circles
- Once the circles are filled, apply pressure to the puncture site with gauze and apply the adhesive bandage
- Stand card on its side for 1 to 2 hours to ensure the sample dries completely before shipping. DO NOT refrigerate or stack wet cards on top of each other
- Place the test request form in the prepaid, addressed mailing envelope
- Mail the envelope as soon as possible. DO NOT store samples longer than 1 week
- Receive results by fax within 5 business days from the date the lab receives the sample. You may also access results via the confidential online portal at
- Schedule a follow-up appointment for patients with a confirmed diagnosis to discuss their results
Watch the AlphaID CONFIRM video for a step-by-step demonstration
Benefits of early identification and diagnosis4,5,6
It’s important to identify and diagnose AAT deficiency early because this may:
- Allow providers to consider available treatment options for appropriate patients
- Lead to family testing to identify carriers of AAT deficient alleles
- Provide an incentive for smoking cessation
Need more AlphaID test kits?
Ruling out AAT deficiency is fast, free, and accurate with AlphaID. Replenish your supply of test kits today.
Make screening for alpha-1 routine
Here are some simple steps to seamlessly integrate alpha-1 testing into your practice and make screening routine for all your patients with COPD or treatment-resistant asthma:
- Establish a formal practice protocol to screen all patients with COPD or treatment-resistant asthma in accordance with major national guidelines
- Seek out protocols/guidance from the Alpha-1 Foundation’s Clinical Resource Centers at or from published literature7,8 and choose what’s right for your practice
- Identify 1 to 2 office “champions”
- Include alpha-1 screening in your practice’s electronic medical records (EMR) for current and newly diagnosed patients with COPD or treatment-resistant asthma
- Place AlphaID Test Kits near COPD and asthma resources as “top of mind” reminders

The receipt of these free testing services does not create any expectation or obligation to purchase or use any product or service offered by any manufacturer.
Up Next: Order AlphaID Test Kits
AAT, alpha1-antitrypsin.
COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
- A1AT Genotyping Test Package Insert. Bizkaia, Spain: Progenika Biopharma.
- Saliva collection kits for high-quality DNA saliva samples enabling genetic diagnostics. DNA Genotek. Accessed June 3, 2024. Accessed May 1, 2024.
- Data on file, Alpha-1 Genetics Laboratory, Grifols.
- Stoller JK. Myths and misconceptions about α1-antitrypsin deficiency. Arch Intern Med. 2009;169(6):546-550.
- Stoller JK. Detecting alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2016;13(Suppl. 3):S317-S325.
Carpenter MJ, Strange C, Jones Y, et al. Does genetic testing result in behavioral health change? Changes in smoking behavior following testing for alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency. Ann Behav Med. 2007;33(1):22-28.
Rahaghi FF, Sandhaus RA, Brantly ML, et al. The prevalence of alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency among patients found to have airflow obstruction. COPD. 2012;9(4):352-358. doi:10.3109/15412555.2012.669433.
Stoller JK. Implementing change in respiratory care. Respir Care. 2010;55(6):749-757.